- April 10, 2022
- in Organization Tips
- by KC Cleaning
- 347
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Spring has sprung in Okinawa and families are bustling to get their house ready for summer fun. While scrubbing floorboards so many neglect their closets. Many people are unsure how to organize their clothes.
Can you truthfully say that you treasure something buried so deeply in a closet or drawer that you have forgotten its existence?
—Marie Kondo
Military and DoD families especially struggle with clothes organization. From the tropical beaches of Okinawa to the arctic circle of northern Germany closets and drawers are often bursting with clothes for every occasion.
In the face of such chaos families are overwhelmed and lack the yaruki (will power) to start. However with a few simple steps you can have a beautifully organized closet filled with only clothes you love and want to wear.
According to Marie Kondo a good way to ease into organizing and downsizing clothes is to start with off season clothes first. Look at this past season’s clothes and ask yourself “Do I want to see it next year?” Now is a good time to get rid of pilly sweaters, singleton gloves, and unflattering coats. For parents this is also a good time to look at clothes that will be too small next year for your children.
After going through last season’s clothes take a quick look at the upcoming season. Take a note of any clothes with stains or missing buttons and place them in an obvious place. If you haven’t repaired them by the end of the season you can peacefully part with ways. Also try to break out of your usual clothes routine this season. If some clothes don’t fit or flatter after multiple attempts it is time to retire these as well.
Looking for help organizing closets and more? Book a consultation with KC Cleaning message us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/kc.cleaning.okinawa, email kccleaningokinawa@gmail.com, or call 090-7296-1989